Life Update

Where to begin? First I want to begin by saying that I took a much needed social media break, but I’m back with an exciting update. So many life changes – all good of course. I’ll begin with my most important news of all…

I’m engaged!

My fiancé proposed on a romantic gondola ride in Venice. So now you may be wondering what I was doing in Venice. Well, friends, let me back up and explain how it all came about. 

Venice, Italy

Just before I embarked on my social media break, the most incredible person entered my life. A little about him, you ask? He’s originally from England, and like all proud Brits has held onto his accent even though he has been on this side of the pond for years. He’s a true romantic. I mean, y’all, he actually got down on one knee in a gondola without flipping the boat. He is one of the most genuinely kind people I’ve ever known. He can scramble eggs until they glisten with the skill of a sous chef. We have talked about everything under the sun. We laugh a lot. We feel like we’ve known each other forever despite only having met just months ago. I trust him implicitly. He’s adorable. He constantly tells me how much he adores me and appreciates me. He loves and values my writing and my creativity. He reads to me. He miraculously got the check engine light to go off in my fifteen year old jeep. Ok. Maybe checking the radiator fluid and changing the battery isn’t miraculous, but hey, it is for me. The list could go on and on, but you get the idea. Meeting him has truly been a dream. 

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Fast forward a couple months and he invited me to accompany him on a business trip to Luxembourg. And so the first weekend of May we boarded a plane to Brussels and off we went. We spent a night in Brussels, took a train to Luxembourg – well, truthfully, we missed our train and ended up spending an unplanned night in a strange little town called Liege, Belgium, but we soon got back on track and caught our correct train.

After spending five days in Luxembourg, we flew to Italy where we spent the remainder of our trip exploring Venice, Florence, and Rome. As many of you know, Italy has been at the top of my bucket list for some time now. I was scheduled to visit last November but opted to postpone until this spring due to the unpredictable weather after polling for your feedback. Now it seems like it was all meant to be, as I never in my wildest dreams would have guessed things would have turned out this way. Italy was all that I imagined and more, and the trip was far more meaningful with a loving companion.

Florence, Italy

Without letting this post turn into a novel, I’ll get straight to my final bit of exciting news. We’re moving into our first apartment together tomorrow! As I write, I am taking a break from packing up the rest of my boxes. I figured now is as good of time as any to update y’all before I get wrapped up in settling into our new home. It may be a week or two before I’m back with a new post here on the blog, but if you follow on Instagram I am keeping up with stories and posting on there. 

Finally, the last week of June we will spend on Cape Cod. You all know how much the Cape means to me, and I can’t wait to share all the things that make it special to me with him, to see it through his eyes as if I am seeing it again for the first time. 

Whew. I know this is a lot to update in one post, and I realize it is long overdue, but I’m sure you can see why I’ve been on a break. I am so full of love and happiness. And I’m so grateful for all of you who have so far been so excited about and supportive of these wonderful new life changes. More soon! I promise! 

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